Ergonomics in Educational Institutes of Textile and Clothing: Enhancing Well-being and Performance


Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that focuses on optimizing the relationship between workers and their work environment. It encompasses various aspects, such as working posture, musculoskeletal factors, and the overall well-being of individuals. In educational institutes, especially those related to textile and clothing, ergonomics plays a crucial role due to the diversity of tasks performed. This article aims to highlight the significance of ergonomics in educational institutes, discuss the importance of proper posture, and explore standard dimensions and common tools in this context.

The Origin and Definition of Ergonomics:

The term “Ergonomics” was coined by Wojciech Jastrzebowski, a Polish scientist and author, in 1857. However, the early indications of ergonomics can be traced back to Bernardino Ramazzini, an Italian philosopher and physician, who published the first comprehensive work on occupational health in 1700. The International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as the scientific discipline concerned with understanding the interactions between humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theoretical principles, data, and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and system performance (2009).

Importance of Ergonomics in Educational Institutes:

Educational institutes, particularly those focused on textile and clothing, involve various tasks, including repetitive and technical operations. With a diverse range of activities, the role of ergonomics becomes significantly important. The well-being and productivity of students and workers rely on their ability to perform tasks in a healthy working environment. Research shows a close relationship between working conditions and individual health, underscoring the vital role of ergonomics across all fields (İsler et al., year).

The Role of Posture in Ergonomics:

Posture is a critical aspect of ergonomics as it affects health, efficiency, safety, and overall well-being. Maintaining a correct posture minimizes the physiological cost of work and fatigue. Good posture involves aligning the head, chest, neck, and abdomen, ensuring the weight is primarily supported by the body’s framework, reducing strain on muscles and ligaments (Kim et al., 2015). Poor posture can lead to pain and discomfort, particularly for workers who spend extended periods sitting or working in the same position (Sarna & Shukla, 1994).

Sitting and Standing Posture:

Sitting and standing are common positions in educational institutes. However, improper sitting posture can lead to chronic back pain, disc compression, and other musculoskeletal issues. Sitting for prolonged periods can also result in discomfort and pain in the back, neck, and shoulders (CBRI, 1990). Standing desks can be beneficial for promoting better health and burning calories (Standing Desks, source). It is essential to prioritize correct posture in both sitting and standing positions to ensure the well-being of students and workers.

Standard Dimensions and Furniture Design:

In educational institutes, furniture design plays a vital role in optimizing ergonomics. Standard dimensions provided by the Bureau of Indian Standards for office furniture and research conducted on college students can be used as a reference (BIS, 16) (Research Paper, 17). Tables with appropriate height, width, and depth, along with chairs designed to support correct posture, can enhance learning effectiveness and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (CBRI, 1990).

Working Hours and Breaks:

Considering the well-being of individuals, it is important to adhere to reasonable working hours. The average working time per week should not exceed 48 hours, with breaks not exceeding 15 percent of the total working time (European Union, 1993). Maintaining a balance between work and rest promotes better performance and prevents fatigue-related issues.

Effect of Colors and Environmental Factors:

The color and design of classrooms and labs can significantly impact students’ well-being and performance. Cool colors, such as blue and green, have a calming effect, while warmer colors, such as red, can increase blood pressure and nervous tension. The reflection coefficient of surfaces should be considered, along with proper lighting, noise control, and ventilation, to create an ideal learning environment (CBRI, 1990).

Tools and Equipment:

In textile and clothing educational institutes, tools such as scissors are essential for tasks like fabric cutting. Ergonomic scissor design is crucial to prevent musculoskeletal symptoms. Scissors with a bend handle have been found to be more ergonomic, ensuring neutral wrist postures, correct thumb position, and reduced hand/finger discomfort (Research, source).


Ergonomics plays a vital role in educational institutes related to textile and clothing. By prioritizing the well-being of students and workers, optimal relationships between individuals and their work environment can be achieved. Proper posture, adherence to standard dimensions, consideration of working hours and breaks, environmental factors, and ergonomic tools and equipment are key elements in promoting a healthy and productive learning environment. Implementing ergonomic principles can enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall satisfaction among students and workers in educational institutes of textile and clothing.


1. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

2. CBRI Research (1990)

3. European Union Directive (1993) [

4. İsler, M., Küçük, M., & Guner, M.

5. Kim et al. (2015)

6. Sarna & Shukla (1994) [source]

7. Standing Desks [source]


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