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From a Greenhouse Gas to a Construction Material – Sessions on CO2 to Chemicals, Fuels, Polymers and Materialsnfellllx
++ Final Program ++ 80 participants from 17 countries already registered ++ Submit your poster now! Deadline for submission: 1 March 2024 ++
For providing the full benefits of CO2 conversion technologies the use of renewable energy and hydrogen is indispensable and crucial for the production of CO2-based transportation and aviation fuels, bulk and fine chemicals. Today, long established techniques as Fischer-Tropsch processes for CO2 conversion are now supported by electrochemistry for CO2 reduction to e.g. ethylene.
The production of e-kerosene is mainly stimulated by a coming quota: According to the ReFuel Aviation EU proposal, by 2030, 5 % of kerosene demand in the European Union would have to be met by sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), of which a minimum share of 0.7 % of synthetic aviation fuels. By 2035, the mandate is supposed to increase to 20 % SAF with a sub-quota of 5 % minimum of synthetic fuels.
The only way for chemicals and materials to become sustainable, climate-friendly and part of the circular economy is the complete substitution of fossil carbon with renewable carbon from alternative sources: biomass, CO2 and recycling. The use of CO2 as a chemical feedstock for building blocks and polymers has been intensively diversified. Several successfully implemented technologies used at commercial level are in place and many more at the laboratory and pilot phase. Additionally, using CO2 as a feedstock for the construction industry via inorganic and organic carbonates is on the rise.
Learn about the extensive and diversified uses of CO2 as a renewable carbon source for the chemical, material and construction industry in Europe from leading research and industrial experts:
Sessions on CO2 to Chemicals and Fuels and CO2 to Polymers and Materials