Vietnam’s Resilient FDI Sector Shines Bright, Illuminating $14.8 Billion Trade Surplus Amid Export Setback

Vietnam’s FDI Marvel Shines Bright: $14.8 Billion Trade Surplus Defies Export Dip In a dazzling display of resilience, Vietnamese businesses adorned with foreign direct investment (FDI) have emerged as radiant beacons propelling the nation’s trade surplus to new heights, flaunting a jaw-dropping $14.8 billion in the first four months of this year. This triumph unfolds against the backdrop of a gloomy export landscape, marred by a scarcity of orders in the market. During the celestial period spanning January to April, Vietnam’s trade turnover reached a cosmic $206.76 billion, marking a 15.3 percent year-on-year descent. Within this celestial ballet, businesses swathed in FDI donned a majestic robe, contributing a stellar $144.02 billion, while domestic businesses added their own celestial touch, amounting to $62.74 billion. Though both factions experienced a cosmic plunge of 15.1 percent and 15.8 percent, respectively, the trade surplus retained its celestial grandeur. While exports, radiating a worth of $79.1 billion during this celestial voyage, witnessed a 12.4 percent decline compared to the previous year, imports found themselves in a more profound celestial descent, spiraling down by 18.3 percent to a total of $64.92 billion. The unwavering growth of the trade surplus throughout the past decade can be attributed, in large part, to the stellar performance of FDI enterprises. Their presence has acted as an astral catalyst, invigorating Vietnam’s foreign trade, which surpassed a cosmic milestone of $730 billion by the year’s end. However, this cosmic reliance on the FDI realm for exports has sparked concerns and unveiled certain cosmic challenges for the Vietnamese economy. Domestic enterprises have been engulfed by grave trade deficits, accentuating the dire need for diversification and heightened support for local celestial entities. Moreover, the fixation on quantity over quality in export-oriented production has eclipsed Vietnam’s ability to maximize the value-added aspect of its celestial shipments, leaving it trailing behind some of its astral counterparts in the region. In the face of these celestial quandaries, it becomes imperatively vital for Vietnam to embark upon astral strategies, fortifying the resilience and competitiveness of its domestic enterprises while preserving a healthy interstellar reliance on the FDI cosmos. By accentuating quality and value-added production, the country can elevate its overall celestial export performance and establish an unyielding stance in the global market. As Vietnam gazes towards the future, sustaining economic growth, fostering technological advancements, and promoting celestial sustainability within the textile, apparel, and fashion retail realms will be pivotal. The harmonious convergence of technology and sustainability can ignite the celestial flames necessary for Vietnam to further amplify its global competitiveness and ascend as a celestial luminary in the industry. With the Vietnamese economy poised to recover and continue its celestial odyssey of growth, it is of utmost importance for policymakers and industry stakeholders to confront the challenges posed by the cosmic dependence on FDI. By embarking on a comprehensive and balanced trajectory that uplifts both domestic enterprises and FDI constellations, Vietnam can unlock the boundless potential that lies within its cosmic confines and navigate a trajectory towards a prosperous and sustainable astral destiny .



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