Citron Hygiene and Aunt Flow Collaborate to Tackle Period Poverty in Indigenous Communities

In a heartwarming partnership aimed at making a meaningful difference, Citron Hygiene and Aunt Flow have joined forces to address an often-overlooked issue: menstrual hygiene in Indigenous communities. The collaboration seeks to provide access to menstrual products for those in need, breaking down barriers and empowering menstruators across Canada.

Citron Hygiene, a forward-thinking company known for its innovative hygiene solutions, has taken a step beyond its regular offerings. Teaming up with Aunt Flow, an organization dedicated to menstrual equity, the partnership promises to uplift Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse individuals nationwide.

The core of Aunt Flow’s business model lies in its commitment to social impact. For every 10 menstrual products sold, one is donated to those facing period poverty. Citron Hygiene, managing the Canadian arm of Aunt Flow’s donation program, is channeling its efforts towards underserved Indigenous communities. The partnership’s first donation, an impressive 5,000 pads and tampons, was made to the Lennox Island First Nation of the Mi’kmaq people, setting the stage for a cascade of future contributions.

This collaboration arrives at a critical time when the effects of inflation and interest rate increases have left 26% of women struggling to afford period products in 2023, according to a survey by Citron Hygiene. While this issue resonates across the nation, the problem can be far more acute in Indigenous communities, especially remote ones. The partnership seeks to bridge this gap, ensuring that menstruators in underserved areas can fully participate in education, work, and community life without the burden of period poverty.

Robert Guice, CEO of Citron Hygiene, emphasizes the strategic choice of partnering with the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC): “Far too many menstruators are experiencing the negative impacts of period poverty. Now, thanks to our current and future customers that have implemented Aunt Flow free-vend programs, we have a pipeline of free products to offer to these communities and can remove an obstacle that indigenous women and girls often face when pursuing opportunities.”

Lynne Groulx, CEO of NWAC, lauds the initiative’s alignment with their mission: “Menstrual products are not a luxury but a fundamental necessity, enabling full participation in education, work, and community life. We commend Citron Hygiene’s efforts in advancing menstrual equity, especially its commitment to reaching and delivering these essential products to remote areas. Through this partnership, we break down barriers of finance, education, and social stigma, empowering menstruators to manage their periods with dignity.”

Claire Coder, the visionary founder and CEO of Aunt Flow, echoes the sentiment: “No one should have to worry about missing school or work because they can’t afford to purchase period supplies. We’re proud to work alongside Citron Hygiene in support of the Native Women’s Association of Canada to ensure that menstruators are provided with high-quality, organic cotton period products whenever they need them.”

In a world often dominated by headlines of conflict and adversity, this partnership stands as a beacon of hope and progress. By addressing a pressing issue with compassion and collaboration, Citron Hygiene and Aunt Flow are proving that change is not only possible but attainable, one pad and tampon at a time.


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